Friday, October 14, 2011

S is for...Surprise!

S is for…Surprise!

I knew that something was different the second I found out I was pregnant. I started getting bigger IMMEDIATELY…and I was so sick I couldn’t stand it! Ben said  “it’s because you have been pregnant before.” I knew something was different. And, I was completely unable to predict a gender. Usually I am dead on when it comes to that. This time, I went back and forth. Never able to pin one down.

I have to back track just a tiny bit. In June, right after Carson turned one, Ben and I decided that 3 children was a fantastic number for us. So after shedding a few tears (okay lots) I packed up my baby things and sold everything.


I kept this pregnancy a secret until I was able to visit the clinic up here. They said I didn’t need an ultrasound so early that my due date was March. I came home that night, and planned out a scavenger hunt for Ben to do. I figured a fun way to tell him would MAYBE lighten up the shock. As he worked his way through my easy scavenger hunt I became more and more aware of how it was not going to lighten the mood. The last clue read “We are having another baby!!” And he said “I already knew.” For those of you who know Ben, that is as excited as the man gets.

Now that he knew, I was slightly relieved...however I still felt like something was different. Ben told me no more with the clinic in International Falls. I made an appointment in Duluth and our entire family drove down.

They did an ultrasound immediately. They put the doppler down and I saw that there was two sacks. I started to cry and was completely unable to form words. Upon my crying, all three of my children broke down as well. My ever stable husband just stared at the monitor, unable to move. The ultrasound tech started rubbing my back and telling me to lie back down because she thought she saw a third sack. WHAT?!!? Turns out it was not…but WOW!!.

I am surviving this SURPRISE quite well (as is Ben). Carter thinks that we should name them both Cooper so that we don’t confuse them. Olivia wants to name them Charlotte and Isabella. Carson doesn’t have a clue what he is in for.

I have learned as well as heard a few things…ready?!?

Twin hormones are completely on steroids!  I am a MESS…repeat…A MESS!!!

Even though they are in different sacks, they could still be identical. Barring they are the same gender.

Sonograms cannot tell if twins are identical or fraternal

Only 14% of moms carry twins past 38 weeks…full term twins are 35/36.

Be prepared for LOTS of appointments and tests!

People ask a lot if we were trying for twins. HOW DO YOU TRY FOR TWINS!?

I have been asked if I am a good Catholic….what? No, I am a Lutheran who got lucky!

People want to know how I am going to feed them. Um…that is your concern because? I certainly didn’t starve any of my other kids. Why would I start now?

“Did you have sex twice in one night?”  Yes…I really did hear that comment.

“Better you than me.” Yeah, I would say so.

“Just wait until they are older. It only gets harder.” Thanks. I have other kids. I know what I am in for.

“Are they ‘paternal’ twins?” Yes, they have a father. WHAT?!?!

“You really are going to have your hands full.” Yes, and I wouldn’t want it any other way!

“Wow! You’re 15 weeks and that big? Better hope it’s two.” It is.

Mother’s of multiples are considered high risk. Even if they are healthy.

I am sure that there will be more as the time passes. Sometimes I think that people are just in so much shock that they don’t know what to say.

So, as for now, my entire family will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of our BABIES! I will continue to be nauseous. Ben will continue to deal with my roller coaster emotions. My children will have to deal with my lap being nonexistent. We will make it.

I get asked a lot how I am going to do it…I don’t know…haven’t you ever seen a Nike commercial? I will just do it.


  1. Love all the quotes at the bottom of your blog. I do have to say though that sonograms can tell if some babies are identical...just not yours due to the fact that your babies have two sacs, but if there is only one sac with two babies in it, they would definitely be identical. So excited for you! Twins are an adventure, but that adventure is way more on the fun side. - Pam Edwards

  2. LOL, and I wouldn't be surprised if you had your twins before my singleton is born. I tend to run late with my single babies. Which will probably be sometime after Feb. 16.

  3. Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard when I read some of your comments!! Too funny! What a wonderful journey you are on...

    Love you!
