I have a theory: The exciting events we plan and look forward to in life really only make up about 2% of our lives. The other 98% of life is the regular, daily stuff…and that time can be spent either looking ahead to the next planned 2%, or spent finding the beautiful small ways that the 98% can be enjoyed!
I’ll enjoy the 98%, please!
One of my very favorite ways to enjoy the 98% is to simply observe…look at all the things daily life surprises us with!! I’m obsessed with anything that makes me wonder! Wondering is one of life’s greatest pleasures! The world is filled with things to observe, question, wonder, and hypothesize about!
So for today’s post, I decided to list a few questions and wonderings that I’ve seen in the 98%...the best part of life!
In the phrase “I wouldn’t know him from Adam…” Who is Adam? Adam...as in Adam and Eve? Who decided to compare and contrast to Adam? And if it’s a girl, do you say “I wouldn’t know her from Adam?” Because if you can’t tell her from Adam, no matter which Adam you mean, that’s weird.
“I wish I could be a fly on the wall of that house…” Hmmm…really? A fly? Gross. Let’s look back at what you just said…you made a wish. By the nature of a wish, you get to pick whatever you want and say you want it to be so. A fly would never make my wish-list of things to be! If I am going to make a wish, it’s gonna be something awesome! I get what the phrase means…you wish you could observe what’s going on in the house without being noticed. But…isn’t an invisible puma even less noticeable than a fly? It’s certainly way cooler!
When you pay for something online with a credit card, it asks you for the expiration date of the card. The card always has the date in numerical form…the number of the month, then the number of the year. But…I’ve found that most of the time the online form asks for the month name, not number. It really isn’t a major inconvenience or anything…but if every credit card has the number, why not ask for the number?
If you are driving at the speed of light, and you turn your headlights on, do they do anything?
What does butter have to do with a butterfly?
When you sit at a baseball game, which arm rest is technically yours?
How can a product be considered “New and Improved?” If it’s a new product, what is improved about it?
Who on earth was Sadie Hawkins?
Think about Humpty Dumpty…what image comes to mind? An egg? Show me where in the poem an egg is mentioned…
Why do we say “peeyew” when something stinks?
Does each planet have its own quake? Earthquake, Venusquake, Marsquake….
Why do people get languages they don’t speak tattooed on themselves? In China, is it popular to get English words?
Pluto and Goofy are both dogs.
What’s the cutoff for dying from old age?
Who got to decide the number of ridges on a quarter? And why is it only one different from a dime?
Why is the dime smaller than the penny?
5,286 feet in a mile…why?
I’ve never earned a penny by saving it.
What does “brand” mean in the phrase “brand new?”
At what point does hair become disgusting? I think it’s the moment it leaves the head. Hair on head: nice. Hair in food: gross. Hair in shower: gross. Hair on floor: gross. Hair on pet: nice. Hair on couch: gross. Hair off of head, but in a wig factory: nice. Hair from a wig found in quesadilla: gross.
Nobody is required to weigh in before entering an elevator. I’m a bad estimator. I worry about the limit sometimes.
Why is it called an apartment, when it is really more of a togetherment?
There are millions more…I could go on for days and days! I haven’t even gotten into how much I love shows like “How It’s Made….”
I try to ask questions constantly! It’s the only way I can make sure that I’m getting the most out of the 98%!!!
When I read your statement about 98% of life being the regular, daily stuff, I instantly thought of a book I recently read. It is called "The Gift of an Ordinary Day" by Katrina Kenison. It is a Mother's Memoir that reminds us of the joy found in ordinary, everyday moments with our children. If you haven't read it...GO GET IT! (It is a bit of a tear jerker though.. :) !) Here is an excerpt from the book...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olSyCLJU3O0